Support Staff

Mike Dinardo - Human Resources Manager (he/him/his)

Jill Lautenschlager - Financial Manager (she/her)

Jill received her BA (2004) and BEd (2006) from the University of Manitoba. Her teaching career took her throughout rural and northern Manitoba. After 7 years of teaching, Jill took a position with WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) Kid-Netic Energy in the Price Faculty of Engineering. After 7 years with WISE KE, Jill is currently the Department Administrator for Mechanical Engineering in the Price Faculty of Engineering. Outside of work, Jill is a wife, and mother of two, three if you count their Golden Retriever. Jill is a Director on a local daycare board, loves to read just about anything, and enjoys travel.

Brendan Pachal - Technologist (he/him/his)

Brendan attended Red River College for his MET (2009). His interest in alternative energy and his steel fabrication skills brought him to the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre at University of Manitoba (2010). He then spent 6 years testing full scale bridge and building structures in the McQuade Heavy Structures Lab at the University of Manitoba (2011). Brendan is currently a technologist for the Mechanical Engineering department in the Price Faculty of Engineering. In the evenings and weekends he enjoys spending time at the family cabin, working on various projects in his garage, tending to the garden with his girlfriend and going for walks with his dog Prue.